The Great Baddow Horticultural Society Autumn Show will be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 20st September 2025
You can download an entry form for the show below, when prompted please SAVE this to your computer.
Staging from 9 am to 11.15am
Judging at 11:30 am
Open to view 2 pm
Prizes awarded at 3.30 pm
(for most points in all 3 shows)
Les Sparrow Cup Floral Art
Welsh Cup Floral Art Novice
G Austin Wheeler Trophy General Flowers
British Fuchsia Society Spoon Fuchsia Classes
Best Exhibit: RHS Certificate
Highest Points: RHS Medal
Best exhibit in Len Wright Trophy and Worshipful Company of Gardeners Diploma
section I to V
Class 1. Beans, runner, five
Class 2. Beans, French climbing or dwarf, seven
Class 3. Beetroot, three, with foliage trimmed to approximately 7.5cm
Class 4. Cabbage, one
Class 5. Carrots, three, with foliage trimmed to approximately 7.5cm
Class 6. Courgettes, three, under 20cm
Class 7. Cucumber, two
Class 8. Garlic, three bulbs
Class 9. Leeks, three, trimmed
Class 10. Marrow, one, for table use, under 3.85cm
Class 11. Onions, five, weight under 225 grammes each, tops to be tied and roots trimmed, same variety
Class 12. Onions, five, weight over 225 grammes each tops to be tied and roots trimmed, same variety
Class 13. Parsnips, three, with foliage trimmed to approximately 7.5cm
Class 14. Peppers, sweet, two
Class 15 Peppers, chilli, three
Class 16. Potatoes, white, five
Class 17. Potatoes, coloured, five
Class 18. Potatoes, collection of twelve, four each of three different varieties
Class 19. Potato, baking, two over 285g
Class 20. Pumpkin, one
Class 21. Shallots, nine, diameter under 3cm
Class 22. Shallots, giant, nine
Class 23 Squash, one
Class 24. Tomatoes, small, seven, diameter under 3.5cm
Class 25. Tomatoes, medium, five, other than classes 24 and 26
Class 26. Tomatoes, large, three, minimum diameter 7.50cm
Class 27. A truss of tomatoes, (ripe and/or unripe)
Class 28. Collection of vegetables, four distinct kinds, space not to exceed 75 x 60cm. See tips for exhibitors
Class 29. Collection of herbs, three distinct culinary varieties in separate vases
Class 30. Any other vegetable, content and staging at the discretion of the exhibitor
Class 31. Heaviest marrow
Class 32. Heaviest onion
Class 33. Heaviest potato
Class 34. Heaviest Tomato.
Class 35. Ugliest Vegetable Class 36 Longest runner bean
Best Exhibit Worshipful Company of Gardens Diploma
Highest Points RHS Certificate
Class 37. Apples, cooking, four, any one variety
Class 38. Apples, dessert, four, any one variety
Class 39. Blackberries, twelve with stalks
Class 40. Pears, three, any one variety
Class 41. Plums, nine with stalks
Class 42. Raspberries, twelve with stalks
Class 43. A plate of fruit Staging and number at the discretion of the exhibitor, maximum size 30cm
Class 44. Collection of eight apples, two varieties , four of each
Class 45. Any other fruit, content and staging at the discretion of the exhibitor
Class 46. One vegetable and one flower stem in a vase. Judged to a maximum of 10 points each.
Best Exhibit National Dahlia Society Silver Medal.
Highest points National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal.
Winner class 75 The “Essex Chronicle” Trophy and Worshipful Company of Gardeners Diploma
Large not exceeding 260mm.
Medium not exceeding 220mm
Small not exceeding 170mm.
Miniature not exceeding 115mm.
Pompons not exceeding 83mm.
Sizing rings will be available at staging tables.
Class 51. Large, one
Class 52. Large, three, one or more varieties
Class 53. Medium, one
Class 54. Medium, three, one or more varieties
Class 55. Small, one
Class 56. Small, three, one or more varieties
Class 57. Miniature, one
Class 58. Miniature, three, one or more varieties
Cactus or semi-cactus.
Class 59. Large, one
Class 60. Large, three , one or more varieties
Class 61. Medium, one
Class 62. Medium, three, one or more varieties
Class 63. Small, one
Class 64. Small, three, one or more varieties
Class 65. Miniature, one
Class 66. Miniature, three, one or more varieties
Class 67. Ball, one, small or miniature
Class 68. Ball, three, small, one or more varieties
Class 69. Ball, three, miniature, one or more varieties
Class 70. Pompons, one
Class 71. Pompons, three, one or more varieties
Class 72. Water Lily, three, one or more varieties
Class 73. Collarette, three, one or more varieties
Class 74. Any other not listed in the schedule, three
Class 75. “Essex Chronicle” dahlia, one
Best Exhibit National Chrysanthemum Society Bronze Medal.
Highest Points Peter Sparrow Cup and NCS Certificate.
Class 80. Reflex, one
Class 81. Reflex, three, any variety or mixed varieties
Class 82. Incurve, one
Class 83. Incurve, three, any variety or mixed varieties
Class 84. Intermediate, one
Class 85. Intermediate, three, any variety or mixed varieties
Class 86. Three sprays, any variety or mixed, single flowered
Class 87. Three sprays, any variety or mixed, double flowered
Class 88. Novices, one bloom, any variety
Best Exhibit Classes 90 – 111 RHS Certificate.
Best Fuchsia Exhibit BFS Blue Rosette.
Highest Points (omit class 93) RHS Certificate.
Highest Points from all three shows G. Austin Wheeler from Trophy and RHS Certificate.
Highest points in fuchsia classes
from all three shows Fuchsia Spoon.
Class 90. Asters, annual, five blooms, one variety
Class 91. Asters, perennial, (Michaelmas Daisy) one variety, three stems
Class 92 Asters, perennial (Michaelmas Daisy) two distinct ,two vases,3 stems each
Class 93. Dahlia, one bloom ,cut from cutting supplied by the Society
Class 94. Fuchsia, one, any standard or half standard
Class 95. Fuchsia, in a pot of 18cm diameter or less
Class 96. Fuchsia, in a of pot over 18cm diameter
Class 97. Gladiolus, one stem
Class 98. Gladioli, three stems, one or more varieties
Class 99. Roses, three stems
Class 100.Annuals, seven stems, one vase, other than Class 90
Class 101. Herbaceous perennials, five stems, one vase, one or more varieties, (other than Classes 91, 92 and dahlias)
Class 102. Display of cut foliage in a container
Class 103. Shrub or tree, three stems, one vase, one or more varieties can include berried varieties
Class 104. Flowering plant, in a pot of 15cm diameter or less
Class 105. Flowering plant, in a pot of over 15cm diameter
Class 106. Foliage plant, in a pot of 15cm diameter or less, excluding Bonsai
Class 107. Foliage plant, in a pot of over 15cm diameter, excluding Bonsai
Class 108 Orchid
Class 109. Cactus, in a pot of 15cm diameter or less
Class 110. Cactus, in a pot of over 15cm diameter
Class 111. Succulent
Class 112. Bonsai
Niche size W 56 x D 50 x H 81cm
Best Exhibit Worshipful Company of Gardeners Certificate
Highest Points Worshipful Company of Gardeners Certificate
Winner Class 117 Worshipful Company of Gardeners Award of Merit
Winner Class 118 GBHS Diploma.
Accumulative Awards highest points across all three show:-
The Les Sparrow Cup and Worshipful company of Gardeners Diploma
Novice classes
The Welsh Cup and Worshipful Company of Gardeners Diploma
Class 115. Autumn Spectacular – an exhibit of fresh flowers and foliage with accessories
Class 116. Brassed Off – an exhibit of fresh flowers and foliage
Novice (see rule 15).
Class 117 Reflections – an exhibit of fresh flowers and foliage
Junior exhibitor (under 16)
Class 118 Simplicity -an exhibit of fresh flowers and foliage
Best Exhibit Home Cookery and Preserves Cup
Highest Points GBHS Diploma
Class 120.Chocolate Beetroot cake (recipe supplied)
Class 121. Marmalade Scones x 6 (recipe supplied)
Class 122. Decorated Cupcakes x 6 Any type of Icing
Class 123. Savoury Quiche
Class 124. Cherry Loaf Cake
Class 130. Tomato ketchup
Class 131. Mustard pickle
Class 132. Pickled onions
Class 133. Chutney
Class 134. Fruit jelly
Class 135. Stone fruit jam
Class 136. Soft fruit jam
Class 137. Fruit liqueur